Looking Back

A 1-post collection

2013: My roundup (FWIW)

Okay, so 2013.

  • I made a resolution that I fucking KEPT for all but one day of the year, and that one’s excusable. (Holy shit!)

  • I wrote 180 000+ words for a trilogy

  • I also wrote 160 000+ words for another book in the same amount of time

  • Which means, if I suddenly decide to quit writing my instant stories [Not bloody likely. Relax, folks!] I can write well over 300K in the space of a year

  • I’ve learned I have to get my ears checked because I am annoyingly deaf.

  • I’ve learned to be a better ally from cyberstalking following several wonderful peeps on Tumblr

  • I’ve learned that it’s better to take the supplements that help me get around rather than hurt every time I try to move.

  • I’ve learned I also have a really horrible memory for doing that and shall have to set myself a reminder.

  • I’ve learned that The Spine from Steam Powered Giraffe is just too damn sexy [srsly, he’s even sexy in comic form. Staaahahaaaahhhhp…]

  • I’ve learned that working for a living is not as hard or terrifying as I’d previously thought

  • I’ve learned that shopping for clothes online can be even more of a pain in the arse than shopping in person.

  • I’ve learned that trying new things can be simultaneously disturbing and cool.

  • I’ve learned that I’m more of a technomancer than I thought I was, but that Best Beloved is still a few degrees higher than I

  • I’ve learned that, though I love Macs, I’m bad for them. I almost killed  my existing, very expensive Mac after 6 months of abuse. Best Beloved rescued it with the Magic Touch though.

  • I’ve learned that Steam Powered Giraffe is possibly the best band since The Beatles

  • I can accomplish goals if I’m determined enough.

  • I have a phobia of drowning that has only become worse since the last time I tried to swim

  • Best Beloved seems to think this is easy to defeat(“Just get over it” Gee thanks, Love, I’m so suddenly cured 9_9). BB has NO IDEA about phobias.

  • I’m sure as shit going to do things a lot like this all over again. At least the writing part.

My new years’ resolves:

  1. Keep doing the instant stories for next year (Yay!)

  2. Fucking finish my next novel (Yay!)

  3. Indulge in self-maintenance (includes gaining good habits)

  4. Maintain a stable weight (goal range: high 80’s, low 90’s in kilos)

  5. Learn to at least tolerate fucking editing (boo!)

  6. Publish the rest of my fan fiction on AO3

I think that should be plenty. Don’t you?