Indie Author

A 2-post collection

Sales Report As you can see, people are downloading my free titles on a regular basis. The most popular is also the most recent, Interview...

Sales Report

As you can see, people are downloading my free titles on a regular basis. The most popular is also the most recent, Interview Inside a Terrarium.

Actual sales, people who got the paid titles in my repertoire, remains low. Only one sale each of Hevun’s Ambassador and Hevun’s Gate. You can see them on the line graph on the far left.

The good news is that most of my downloads are coming directly from Smashwords. If people bought stuff, that would mean that I’d be getting the most money from sales. But since I’m not getting paid a lot, it means that I might have a chance of earning something, should any customers return.

I know that there are literally hundreds of people who’ve downloaded a sample of my works and not come back to complete the sale.

And I have to ask why.

Is my writing not good enough? Are my stories not compelling? Or is it a case of absent-mindedness coupled with the lack of money that’s plaguing eveyone?

Every day throughout 2013, Author C.M. Weller undertook the challenge to write a story a day, every day, based on whatever crap the internet...

Every day throughout 2013, Author C.M. Weller undertook the challenge to write a story a day, every day, based on whatever crap the internet in general and Tumblr specifically chose to put in hir inbox.

These are those stories.

Three hundred and sixty-five tales guaranteed to make you laugh, cry, and wonder what the hell this Author is taking in hir tea.

All yours for the low, low price of whatever the heck you want to pay. Click the pic and

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