I'M Not Making Any Wagers

A 1-post collection

spacemuffinz: 1890s-chick: alyxxsometimesdraws: giraffesonparade: spacemuffinz: 1890s-chick: there's so little spg on my dash I feel...







there’s so little spg on my dash I feel like im slowly drifting away from the fandom tbh

Ur following the wrong people then lol

the tags have been really dead lately. But we are bringing up the old art.

dead tags? what’s this? time to start drawing ridiculous amounts of robots again….

idk ever since people started to leave the band the fanmily just kinda….died :b

Nyeh let them be poopers. As far as I’m concerned the garden got weeded out. The rest of us are like lying in wait like compressed little springs :p

Also pretty sure that the rest of us are waiting to see what SPG are springing on us next.

I think it may be video related, but after that, all bets are OFF.