Day Six

A 3-post collection

Sunday, Plague Day 6, worn

I still need rest. I am not playing any games with the crew tonight. This plague has left me feeling a lot more worn out than usual. The post-lurgi sensation of limp, greasy, unwantableness continues to linger. So I shall baby myself. Wait until I'm sure that I am up to snuff, so to speak, before I take some wobbling steps back into what passes for my normal routine.

I need my voice to stream. I don't need it to write. So. Until I can reliably talk for hours on end, I will not be streaming.

The antibiotics are working, I think. My last date with mucous appearance had white and clear chunks. What might even be bronchial casts, given the shapes.

Probably TMI but it's my blog and my illness and I'll document what I want to.

Mentally, I'm almost back on track. Physically and emotionally, I lack a lot of my former energy.

I might be sleeping a lot of today. I've certainly been writing a lot more. When Tuesday rolls around, the household Quarantine ends. Chaos returns to school and I... do what I can. When I can.

If I get near a new normal, I will stop counting the plague days.

Onwards to what matters - fiction!

Saturday, Day 6, Mor Bread

So one loaf made on Wednesday turned out to be a sod [bum!] but we turned it into bruchetta-esque [bruchettesque?] and now there's a slight need for more bread because there's still only one loaf in the freezer.

I'm working with Ingrid today, and since I had a sod out of the batch, I'm going back to the four-hour proof in the hope that that works. Still going for the double breadpan thing. Eliminate the variables one at a time. Even if

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Friday - Day SIX!

Holy shit, things are going well for Antifa and gender-bending tumblrinas everywhere. Minecraft Steve is part of the Nintendo Conglomerate and people are happy about that. Baldur's Gate 3 is out and I want some of that sweet, sweet character creator :D The Muppet continues to deny he has the plague and insists he's doing very well...

Greece has decided to purge its content of fascists. Facebook has banned QAnon, and some billionaire sex offenders are getting comeuppance.

Come on in, the

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