Bit Late

A 2-post collection

Monday, Labor Day

The Tale Foundry backup reads are on, so any other written progress will be S-L-O-W.

As I have low expectations for myself on Mondays, I shall attempt to at least finish a chapter in the midst of the rest of my messing about.

Chapter count: Still midway through Chapter 270. Hopefully I shall have an increment for you real soon now.

When I hit 365 chapters [very likely] I shall start sharing the first sentence of each chapter per day.

All the while attempting to wind the firkin WIP up before I get to the end of that.

Gonna be fun to watch.

This is it.

The 14th post in my queue.

This means I can officially take a break from seeking blog material and go write some independent fiction.

Or, as I sometimes put it, I’m going to commit some literature.

Expect the next few blogs to be me honking on about my latest Work In Progress.

Unless something spectacularly heinous pops up concerning OWS and the corpratocracy’s slow collapse into malevolent dictatorship.

Or I get a funny idea.

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