Sunday, Inactivity PLNs

Tale Foundry cancelled for health reasons, so I'm streaming early. Thereafter, I shall post and then slack off for the remains of the day.


A hot bath may yet be in order.

The downside of going out for Bath Bombs is that I'll also have to wear the Torture Shoes because fucking bone spurs need correcting again. OTOH maybe the place isn't open by the time I'm done with my bullshit.

D&D news: I have technically finished the maps! I have to do some corrections, but the larger part of the work is DONE. Yay.

I also have some minor maps to build, but that should be fine and dandy on a Monday afternoon. I might even do them in DungeonDraft so I don't have to get sweary about the building blocks.

I anticipate a lot of switching for various parts of the game.

Chapter Count: I have written some words into Chapter 276 and may finish that off today. Or I may not. I've been awake since 3AM. I need a napnap.

I need at least one day for flopping around and just chilling, right?

Stream soon. Story later than that.