Sleep Dep' is no Fun

For those unfamiliar with the abbreviation, that’s sleep depravation. But I’m way too tired to type out the whole thing, today.

Just last week, we received a nice letter from a neighbour that boiled down to “shut up your annoying dog or we’ll start legal action”.

$300 later, the dog has an expensive citronella anti-bark collar and a buttload of toys and chewy treats to keep him occupied. He barely makes a peep.

The neighbours’ dogs OTOH…

No, not the neighbour who complained. AFAIK, he doesn’t have a dog. It’s all the other dogs.

They bark all GD night.

Even though I take St John’s Wort to help me quit worrying and get to sleep, I can’t help startling into consciousness every time a dog barks. I fear our antagonised neighbour will blame our hound and not seek the true guilty parties. I worry for our dog, who’s still a pup. I am completely in the dark about further consequences.

As a direct result, I am not functioning on all cylinders. With the help of caffeine, I can function. But I would like to be able to function without drugs, thanks.

But then, I take drugs just to be able to breathe. Maybe taking drugs in order to function is “normal” at my age. I dunno.

Maybe I’m just fretting ‘cause restocking my supply for making caramel mochachinos is going to be another expense we don’t need.


Maybe I should print off a few nice, “shut up your annoying dog or we’ll start legal action,” letters and leave them in a few mailboxes. I’m not a vindictive person, normally. But good old sleep dep’ is turning me into Mrs Hyde.