Sea Dragoness for Hire.: amnesiac-sara: Sea Dragoness for Hire.: internutter: Sea Dragoness for...

Sea Dragoness for Hire.: amnesiac-sara: Sea Dragoness for Hire.: internutter: Sea Dragoness for...













Sea Dragoness for Hire.: internutter: Sea Dragoness for Hire.: amnesiac-sara: Sea Dragoness for...




Sea Dragoness for Hire.: amnesiac-sara: Sea Dragoness for Hire.: Location: Stinger Peninsula....


Solid ground. Yes.

Solid ground good. Solid ground very good.

Come, now, miss foot. Just reach down and find it.

The instant her toe touched it, the rest of her foot slammed into place. The second foot joined it.

Good job! Cheered Sara's Inner self-guardian. Now, just let go of the nice Gargoyle.

Deeper breaths. Deeper and deeper. Nice, long draughts of air. Slowly.

Let go of the Gargoyle. Slowly.

Thinking was even harder, with the cold. Someone could help. Someone nearby.

Her knees wobbled. Her legs shook. "Which..." gasp, "way?"

“This way, come on.”

Dessie guided her through the crowded streets, keeping Sara in front of her. She glared at anyone who gave Sara an odd look, and swatted at one man who tried to pickpocket something from the poor girl.

Eventually they reached the healer's shop, and she stepped inside.

“I believe this is the right place. Let me alert the owner of our arrival.”

Dessie then went to find Frost.

(OOC: I'll message Frost that we've arrived in her shop.)

*I'm sitting at a desk in the back, drinking a bit of whiskey every now and then. I turn to see Dessie, and I stand up*

Hey Dessie! What seems to be the problem? Heard something happened to some random person and that you were transporting them.

“Hello Frost. This young lady here hit her head very hard, and she's really disoriented. I flew her here and well...”

She nervously patted Sara's shoulder.

“I may have also given her a case of the shivers. King Cain told me to bring her here for some much-needed medical attention. Do you have anything that might do the trick?”

She looked down at Sara. "Here now, Miss Sara. We're going to get you patched up. I'm not going to leave until you're safe and sound, alright?"

*I stare at the blood on Sara*

Well, this isn't as bas as what I've seen, but we should still hurry.

*I turn to Sara*

Alright, do you have a headache Sara?

“Uh. Yes?” Sara looked briefly to Dessie the Gargoyle, who seemed to be taking this in stride. “It really hurts when I try to remember too much.” It was still hurting, but more of a surface sting. Sara sniffed again. “How does everybody know my name? I'm moderately certain we haven't been introduced. And why does this entire room smell like a distillery?”

There was something she was supposed to remember about alcohol... Something very, very important.

She just wished it would come to her.

*I look down and realize that she smells my whiskey*

Ah, sorry. That's my whiskey I've been drinking. I make my own every now and then, and I'm actually brewing some right now. And I know your name because that's what Cain told me.

*Taps chin, thinking of herbs and items*

Now, considering your injuries, let's get some feverfew for your headache, garlic for the cut, slippery elm for a brew for the cut as well, and some calendula leaf. That will act like a band-aid.

*Goes over to a table, neatly organized with some bowls and mashing sticks, along with some bottles and scientific equipment.*

Add some elm...garlic...

*Places into a bowl and grabs a mashing stick, smashing the ingredients together to make an ointment.*

Ok, ointment.

*Goes back to Sara with a rag and gently wipe the blood off of her. I then lightly smear the ointment, but I accidentally touch her skin, forgetting how warm everyone is compared to me.*

Gah! That's REAAAAAALY warm...

*I then continue covering Sara's cut. When done, I Again go to the table and pull two leaves.*

Here. Chew this calendula leaf. It will get rid of your headache. And here's a Dong Quai leaf. Chew it as well, and it will get rid of any pain. Which I'm pretty sure you have since you're slightly wincing.

Sara sat obediently through the ministrations. Pretending the leaves were gum worked pretty well, excepting the taste.

Herbal medicines? "Are any of these sedatives? 'Cause I get kinda loopy on sedatives."

YOW! She was COLD.

“That's so cold, you could cauterize,” she mumbled. The chill from the trip and that incidental contact, and possibly the herbs, ganged up and flipped a switch. Thinking became secondary to survival. “Need th' three O's. Objective. Orientation. Orders.”

Her right hand drifted up to touch the pain at her right temple.

“W's my objective?”

[OOC: She's officially in lala land]

*Looks over at Sara*

“No no! Don't touch the leaf!”

*Quickly grabs a glove and then grabs Sara's wrist, stopping her from moving the leaf*

“Don't.” I growl, showing my sharp teeth.

*I turn to Dessie, and I say,*

“Alright, that should work, but since I had to use so many herbs, she's gone....loopy. I would have if I hadn't worked around herbs my whole life.”

*Let's go of Sara's arm and puts on a large, dark grey backpack*

I'm going to tell Cain that Sara should be fine . If anything else happens, let me know. Especially if it gets infected. Oh, and concerning the leaf on her head;




*Gives a cold stare to see if the two understand me clearly*

“Objective,” muttered Sara. “Stay still...” She carefully positioned herself so that not moving would also not hurt. “Orientation. Here.” One, slightly-drunken finger stabbed her seat. “Orders... no touchie.”

Sara carefully interlaced her fingers and placed them in her lap. Turned to Doctor Frost and managed, "This is very bad gum."

[OOC: Sara will stay there until she either thaws/sobers up or someone comes to collect her. Warning: she may sing. Further warning: The bit of Sara currently in charge can NOT carry a tune}

“Of course Miss Frost. Thank you for your help. Could you also ask Cain where I should take Miss Sara after she recovers?”

She returned the stare, not at all intimidated. She was no stranger to cold stares. She wasn't really able to stare into Frost's eyes however, so she chose to look darkly into her right one.

“And Sara will be recovering, yes?” She glanced again at Sara, worried at her unbalanced demeanor. She was still cold to the touch.

(OOC: Sorry if I'm not on frequently the rest of the week, school's a bitch.)

[OOC: Fully understood. I’m back to my day job again :P And I’ll be editing and publishing this weekend/next week :D]

“Bad bad gum,” Sara muttered.

There was a doggie upstairs. Wanted to pet the doggie. Wait. O’s. Objective: stay still. Orientation: here. Orders: no touchie.


Sara started humming How Much is That Doggie in the Window? to herself. Even in her addled state, it didn’t take long to start playing with the words.

“I want to pet doggie who is upstairs. But I am stuck down in my chair,” she sang. “I want to pet doggie who is upstairs. While I am down here, he’s up there…”

[OOC: Dangit! Wrong acct again :P]