If you only buy one eBook this year… buy this one!
Simy forgot to simulate breathing, watching with all the other aides in the security room. The other three were merely holding their breaths.
They only breathed again when the sound of running water emanated from the tiny bathroom off one side of the cell.
“What is she doing?” demanded the Maq'eck. “She’s meat. Raw, fresh and tender.”
“Yes, but she also has Tarqa’s prime interest close to her heart,” countered Simy. “Look at how she’s holding the egg.”
Exactly so that, should someone attack, the egg would be the first thing to come to harm. Simy felt a swelling of pride. He had taught her how to balance situations in her favour. In secret conferences away from the Othersiders and her lessons alike.
He had almost two thousand years’ worth of cunning on his side, and Sahra was a fast learner.
If you liked this quote, you’ll love the book.