Friday, Firkin Asthma

It's another Bad Air Day made worse by an anxiety attack. Fortunately for me, my Beloved helped me get some Ashwagandha before the rest of my astonishing shenanigans today.

It's after midday and I'm only now just getting down to posting the daily tale.

I'm going to at least try to summarise a chapter and tag a week before I go slobbing off to mess about for my own enjoyment.

Chapter count: Currently working on Chapter 258 of A Devil's Tale

I got the starters fed and The Bikkie done and devoured. Thanks to wobblies induced by Bad Air Day and anxiety, I got Mayhem to do the catio for me.

I wrote the daily tale and shall be publishing shortly. May I stay stable enough to get the other stuff done.

...I already want a nap...