Challenge #03070-H147: Inherent Hazards

The human got a new little friend, a therapy animal to help them deal with being in big crowds. The puppy, one of the breeds that would always be small in size, played happily as the human was house-breaking them, playing with them, and teaching them. The companion came into their quarters, after knocking, to visit, when they noticed several air fresheners, one in each room. They asked why that was necessary before they caught the whiff of a very strong, very offensive, odor, wafting from a sleeping pup, and realized... it wasn't just humans that did that, it was their deathworlder pets, too. -- Anon Guest

The lingering objection to inviting Humans into Alliance spaces was, for many years, "But what about air quality?" Deathworlder digestive systems, just like the Deathworlders themselves, were toxic. They could vent just about anything with their unreliable upsets. Corrosive acids and noxious gasses were just the beginning. Won't somebody think of the pathogens?

The Humans argued that the Alliance had already accepted dogs, which were just as noxious in potential. Enough carbon in their diets and just about any problem could be solved. For everything else, there were air scrubbers. Besides, said the Humans, you lot are capable of many of your own noxious emissions anyway.

Says you, muttered the assorted objectors in the Alliance. They didn't mutter too loudly, because some Humans were just a little too manic about providing proof. Humans were allowed in on a provisional basis. They had to contain themselves in livesuits when in public areas and report any and all emissions in the same areas. Thankfully, livesuits already had autologgers for just that purpose. Personal habitats were not public, and therefore anyone entering did so at their own risk.

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