Challenge #00814-B083: He Said/He Said

Challenge: Write a story using only dialogue

[AN: I’M BAAA-AAAAAACK! Taking this carefully and slowly so I don’t wind up with another four weeks of convalescence]

“This is all your fault.”

“My fault? My fault? I just landed in here two seconds ago, how could it be my fault?”

“It’s always your fault. How much have you had to drink?”

“Two standard volume units. Of water.”

“Huh. Fire water, belike. I know you too well, human. You reek of it.”

“For your big daft information, I only reek of it because I took it all out of the still–”


“–to sell to the locals as an inexpensive fuel.”

“No ‘samples’ to ‘check the quality’?”

“Don’t give me that look! I only got some on me because of the fight.”

“Ah, there was a fight. Of course. Who was the woman?”

“It wasn’t like that.”

“Clearly, it was.”

“No. It. Wasn’t.”

“Convince me.”



“I know.”

“When we’re operating outside the Galactic Alliance…”

“I know…”

“We have to brace ourselves to face laws and standards that we, as Galactics, view as criminal or even obscene.”

“I KNOW! I know it. I get it. Their customs and laws are not ours but. Damnit…”

“Go on. Let it all out.”

“She was twelve if she was a day. Naked as a jay bird. And he was fingering her right there in front of God and everyone!”


“Powers That Be are my witness. You could even see it on the security tape.”

“I’m surprised at you, Hwell.”

“I know…”

“I’d have killed him.”

“I’m sorry I got us in another– wait. What?”

“I’m proud of you. You’ve shown admirable restraint.”

Thank you.”

“…for a human.”

“…I think.”

[Muse food remaining: 15. Submit a prompt! Ask a question! Buy my stories!]