Challenge #00232: A Lake Appeared in Winsome Valley

The forest is completely submerged. The tops of the tallest trees are easily 50 feet below the surface. Nobody knows how the trees are still alive, but they are, and sometimes, when the water is clear, you can see flickers of movement down below the canopy…

[AN: Please keep in mind that I’ve only heard two episodes of WTNV]

There has been a lot of buzz about the lake that spontaneously appeared in Winsome Valley, just outside the outskirts of town, today. The lake appears to have it’s surface three feet above the lowest point in Winsome Valley, but its bottom is far, far deeper than that.

Most citizens have been concerned about what to name it. Personally, I think that ‘greenwood lake’ suits it perfectly.

You know, since there’s a forest in it.

The forest is completely submerged. The tops of the tallest trees are easily fifty feet below the surface. Nobody knows how the trees are still alive, but they are, and sometimes, when the water is clear, you can see flickers of movement down below the canopy. The sheriff’s secret police advise us not to go fishing in the lake.

Do not swim in the lake.

Do not go boating in the lake.

Do not engage in water-related activities in or near the lake.

And above all, do not release pet goldfish into the lake. Goldfish are an invasive species and their presence may anger whatever lives in the forest. After all, we want to be nice to whatever’s down there.

It may yet be nice to us in return.

In unrelated news, all the coyotes previously inhabiting Winsome Valley have vanished without a trace. All their tracks stop as if they stepped into another world. The sheriff’s secret police assure us that this is completely unrelated news. The disappearance of the coyotes has absolutely nothing to do with the appearance of greenwood lake.

The hooded figures in the dog park briefly disappeared from there and appeared by the shores of greenwood lake, for an hour, at exactly noon. We do not look at the hooded figures, but they nevertheless appeared very agitated. We wish them further agitation. Some of us want to play in the dog park.

And now, the weather…

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