Artsy Fartsy part 9! I ended this session with a literal pain in the neck and I might not be doing any more tonight, but aah, what works of...

Artsy Fartsy part 9!

I ended this session with a literal pain in the neck and I might not be doing any more tonight, but aah, what works of wonder…

The Photos!

  1. Blurry, out-of-focus picture of my special non-slip nylon knot. You do your regular granny knot, and then you wind the short end around and through the loop a few times. When it pulls tight, it makes a kink that won’t undo.

  2. Slide your bead on

  3. Put your tail end back up there

  4. And pull it tight! Magic

  5. Of course, the folderol of putting it on the finings means that you need a little bit of glue to hold it all in, which is why these earrings had to dry for a while

  6. Long shot of all my glued earrings waiting to be dry enough to play with. Araldite works a charm to stick anything to anything? But it takes ages to sort itself out. Note the high-tech earring emplacements

  7. Interesting bits from one of the necklace. They’re rigged for the neck, but that’s nothing a pair of side-snips won’t cure

  8. More disassembly with sorting

  9. And an idea forms

  10. For those of you wondering what the hell the twine was for, there it is. It will be making sure the entire length of chain and attached earrings will not get tangled in transit

Stay tuned, craft fans! There’s more!